
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ntr-t Mut Sekhmet with the frame drum

Spiritual Drumming and Offering

Priestess Kheprit MaaKheru Sa Nefer-t Kau m Akeru of AKERU Nu Afrakan Ministries

Sapelo Island, GA. 2011 One of the Proudest days of my life. Tua Ntr-t!

The AKERU Nu Afrakan Ministries Priesthood

The AKERU Nu Afrakan Ministries Priesthood. Initiation at Sapelo Island, GA. After extensive Kemetic/metaphysical studies from Queen Mother Imakhu, and forming a strong Sistahood, the dedicated initiates came together from across the country: Boston, Las Vegas, NY, Delaware, DC/MD, and FL, along with their NJ initiators, to elevate and release the souls of enslaved ancestors on Sapelo Island in a final act of selfless devotion before receiving Water Priest (Nganga) initiaton, then finally, Kemetic Ankh Carrying Priesthood initiation. (L to R) Priestess Seshat, Rev.Atef HruKhuti, QueenmotherImakhu Shekemet, Priestess Kheprit, Priestess Nuit, Priestess Het Hru, Priestess MwtiHua Hennu Ankhs for AKERU Ministries and Shrine of Khpra crafted by Baba Adam. . The beautiful Kente stoles were a gift of support from my dear friend, William Rosebrock, who has been a tutor and supporter of the Prince of Peace School in Ghana. Everything came full circle.Tua Ntr. More info about the Kente here: Photo taken by newly initiated Water Priest Jamel Frost. Edited by AKERU MultiMedia. — with Nelly A. Mentor, QueenmotherImakhu MuNfr-t, Akeru Truelivingwaters, Akasha Nefertkau, GrndQueen Mut Ast Kham, Curtis J. Gndmtr Black, Priestess Nuit, Kristin A. Smith, Terra Loa, Priestess MwtiHua Hennu and Rhya Jovan at Sapelo Island, GA.

QueenmotherImakhu MuNfr-t EmAkeru