
Monday, January 31, 2011

Check out this article!

Greetings to the feminine/masculine energy that protects me from negativity.
Greetings to the feminine/masculine energy who removes all obstacles.
Greetings to the feminine/masculine energy I am capable of becoming.
Greetings to the Divine Feminine that holds these energies from within.
All that there is resides within me She lives!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Manifestation Of Your Divine Self

What is the motive of one who makes prejudgement or judgement of another ?What is fact ? What is an illusion?How is it that one can sum up another person whom they have had little or no communication or contact with? Were they present in that persons life experiences?How can someone tell you whom you are who you came here to be and who you need to be? What is your journey? Who have you come across on your paths? I ask these questions because the ultimate and final answer resides within you. You and only You can determine your destiny Now there are those who do have your best interest in mind they seek to reach there hands out to help guide and uplift you in your ascension. They are of the divine. And then there are those who seek to stagnate you disguising their hate evny,jelousy and greed.These types are placed in your path as lessons they are of the divine as well. However they seek to keep you occupied in a lower state. Here's the kicker..... both of these powerful energies resides within you.It is the battle from within the self ego vs the selfish ego, the arrogant pride vs the humility. This is the war of Armageddon the great battle in the sky which takes place in your mind and which you can make a manifested reality.(in human form) You bring about yourselvessss through others be it positive or negative. You become the pre judger or the pre judged. My focus now is to bring these two in alignment in balance in harmony with the Oneverse within myself. So when I see my sistah's I see not jealousy hate envy or the enemy but I see the divine manifest in me. (I am but a reflection of you)